Uniform Orders

With the advent of ESA, there are a few options available to parents who wish to use ESA funds to purchase uniform items listed in the GCA Dress Code.

Jumpers & PE Shirts

The Jumpers for the ladies’ uniforms and the PE shirts for the 6th - 12th grade students will need to be purchased directly from the school. These will be invoiced to you, to be submitted to ESA for payment in the same way tuition is paid.

All other uniform items

  1. You may (while supplies last) purchase polos, pants, and Oxford shirts from the school to be invoiced and paid for with ESA funds the same way tuition is paid.

  2. You may purchase directly from frenchtoast.com or amazon.com and submit to ESA for a reimbursement. You will need the GCA Dress Code document to be submitted with the receipt.

  3. You may purchase through the Shop function in Classwallet, and buy from the Amazon Classwallet store. You will also need the GCA Dress Code document to submit with the order.